Modern Texts

Reform A


We witness that on the day of the week, the day of the month of , in the year , corresponding to the day of ,    , here in :

The bride, , daughter of , says to the groom: With this ring you are consecrated unto me as my husband, according to the tradition of Moses and the Jewish people. I shall treasure you, nourish you, support you and respect you as Jewish women have devoted themselves to their husbands, with integrity.

The groom, , son of , says to the bride: With this ring you are consecrated unto me as my wife, according to the tradition of Moses and the Jewish people. I shall treasure you, nourish you, support you and respect you as Jewish men have devoted themselves to their wives, with integrity.

We promise to try to be ever open to one another while cherishing each other’s uniqueness; to comfort and challenge each other through life’s sorrow and joy; to share our intuition and insight with one another; and above all, to do everything within our power to permit each of us to become the persons we are yet to be.

We also pledge to establish a home open to the spiritual potential in all life; a home wherein the flow of the seasons and the passages of life are celebrated through the symbols of Jewish heritage; a home filled with reverence for learning, loving, and generosity; a home wherein ancient melody, candles, and wine sanctify the table; a home joined ever more closely to the community of Israel. This marriage has been authorized also by the civil authorities of . It is valid and binding.


ב בשבת ב לחדש שנת חמשת אלפים ושבע מאות וששים ו לבריאת עולם למנין שאנו מונין כאן ב במדינת אמריקה הצפונית הכלה בת אומרת לחתן: הרי אתה מקודש לי בטבעת זו כדת משה וישראל ואני אהיה נאמנה לך אפלחך אזונך ואסעדך בכבוד כמשפט נשים יהודיות האוהבות את בעליהן בקושטא. החתן בן אומר לכלה: הרי את מקודשת לי בטבעת זו כדת משה וישראל ואני אהיה נאמן לך אפלחך אזונך ואסעדך בכבוד כמשפט גברים יהודיים האוהבים את נשותיהם בקושטא. אנחנו מבטיחים להיות כנים וגלויים זה עם זו לנער את המיוחד באישיותו של כל אחד מאתנו לסמוך איש את רעותו באתגרי החיים בשעות צער ובשעות שמחה להיות שותפים בחכמה ובתבונה שנחנו בהם ויותר מכל להשתדל בכל מאודנו לאפשר לכל אחד מאתנו להשיג את ייעודו. אנחנו מקבלים עלינו להקים בית בו השכינה שורה, בית בו הזמנים והמועדים נחוגים על פי המורשת היהודי, בית מוקדש לתלמוד-תורה לצדקה ולגמילות חסדים, בית בו מהדהדים ניגונים עתיקים, בו נרות ויין לקידוש מעטרים את השולחן, בית המהוה חוליה בכלל ישראל ולעם ישראל. נישואים אלה אושרו על ידי השלטונות האזרחיים ב והכל שריר וקיים

Reform B

Information about the Reform B text:

The Reform B ketubah text is a modern creation written in Modern Hebrew. It is an egalitarian text which forgoes preparations for disaster in order to focus on the type of partnership that is being created. The relationship is described as a sacred marriage covenant. Choosing to be married is emphasized, as is a pledge to continue this marriage all through their lives. Several intentions for the marriage are included: supporting, loving, sharing, comforting, and challenging each other; also equality, sensitivity, and intimacy. The marriage envisioned develops the fulfillment and satisfaction of the partners. The text connects the marrying couple to Israel and Judaism by reflecting that they are “standing under the chuppah” and committing to build a Jewish home together. This ketubah text does not make provisions for divorce. Divorce is left to the civil courts.


We witness that on the day of the week, the day of the month of , in the year , corresponding to the day of , , here in , the bride, , daughter of , and the groom, , son of , entered into this sacred marriage covenant. Standing under the chuppah we said to each other: as beloveds and friends we choose to walk life’s path together.

We pledge to be equal partners, loving friends, and supportive companions all through our life. May our love provide us with the freedom to be ourselves, and the courage to follow our mutual and individual paths. As we share life’s experiences, we vow to create an intimacy that will enable us to express our innermost thoughts and feelings; to be sensitive to each other’s needs; to share life’s joys; to comfort each other through life’s sorrows; to challenge each other to achieve intellectual and physical fulfillment as well as spiritual and emotional tranquility. We will build a home together and fill it with laughter, empathy, faith, imagination, trust, friendship, companionship and love. A home in which holidays and heritage are celebrated in accordance with our Jewish culture and tradition. May we live each day as the first, the last, the only day we will have with each other. We joyfully enter into this covenant and solemnly accept the obligations herein.


Reform B Hebrew Text -

Reform D


We witness that on the ___ day of the week, the _______ day of the month of _______, in the year ______, corresponding to the ______ day of _______, ______, here in ______________: the Bride, _______, daughter of ____ and _____, and the Groom, _______, son of ____ and ____, entered into this sacred marriage covenant. Standing under the chuppah we said to each other: as beloveds and friends we choose to walk life’s path together. We pledge to be equal partners, loving friends and supportive companions all through our life. May our love provide us with the freedom to be ourselves, and the courage to follow our mutual and individual paths. As we share life’s experiences, we vow to create an intimacy that will enable us to express our innermost thoughts and feelings; to be sensitive to each other’s needs; to share life’s joys; to comfort each other through life’s sorrows; to challenge each other to achieve intellectual and physical fulfillment, as well as spiritual and emotional tranquillity. We pledge to nurture, trust and respect each other through our married life together. We shall be open and honest, understanding and accepting, loving and forgiving, and loyal to one another. We shall respect each other’s uniqueness and help one another grow to our fullest potential. We will build a home together and fill it with laughter, empathy, faith, imagination, trust, friendship, companionship and love; a home filled with learning and compassion, a home wherein we will honor each other’s cherished family traditions and values. Let us join hands to help build a world filled with peace and love. We joyfully enter into this covenant, and solemnly accept the obligations herein.


Reform D Text |

Modern Vows


We witness that on the day of the week, on the day of the month of , in the year , corresponding to the day of , , here in , , United States of America, the bride, , daughter of , and the groom, , son of , entered into this sacred marriage covenant. Standing together hand in hand they said to each other: “As beloveds and friends we choose to walk life’s path together. We pledge to be equal partners, loving friends, and supportive companions all throughout our life. We promise to build a harmonious relationship of equality. We shall respect each other’s uniqueness and help one another grow to our fullest potential. As we share life’s experiences, we vow to create an intimacy that will enable us to express our innermost thoughts and feelings; to be sensitive to each other’s needs; to share life’s joys; to comfort each other through life’s sorrows; to challenge each other to achieve intellectual and physical fulfillment as well as spiritual and emotional tranquility. We will build a home together and fill it with laughter, empathy, faith, imagination, trust, friendship, companionship and love; a home wherein the flow of the seasons and the passages of life are celebrated through the symbols of our heritage and cultures. May our love provide us with the freedom to be ourselves and the courage to follow our mutual and individual paths. May we live each day as the first, the last, the only day we will have with each other. We joyfully enter into this covenant and solemnly accept the obligations herein.


Modern Vows Text |

Wedding Blessing


We witness that on the day of the week, on the day of the month of , in the year , corresponding to the day of , , here in , , United States of America, the bride, , daughter of , and the groom, , son of , entered into this sacred marriage covenant. Standing together hand in hand they said to each other: “Now we will feel no rain, for each of us will be shelter for the other. Now we will feel no cold, for each of us will be warmth to the other. Now there will be no loneliness, for each of us will be companion to the other. Now we are two persons, but there is only one life before us. May beauty surround us in the journey ahead and through all the years. May happiness be our companion and our days together be good and long upon the earth. We promise to treat ourselves and each other with respect, to remind ourselves often of what brought us together, and to give the highest priority to the tenderness, gentleness and kindness that our connection deserves. We will face the storms of life together and ride out the cloudy days, cherishing the pure light that is kindled by our love and remembering that though the sun may be obscured by clouds, its life-giving presence is always there. May our life together be blessed with abundance and delight. We joyfully enter into this covenant and solemnly accept the obligations herein.”


Wedding Blessing Hebrew Text |



We witness that on the day of the week, the day of the month of , in the year , corresponding to the day of , , as we reckon here in , the bride, , daughter of , promised the groom, , son of : You are my husband according to the tradition of Moses and Israel. I shall cherish you and honor you as is customary among the daughters of Israel who have cherished and honored their husbands in faithfulness and in integrity. The groom, , promised the bride, : You are my wife according to the tradition of Moses and Israel. I shall cherish you and honor you as is customary among the sons of Israel who have cherished and honored their wives in faithfulness and in integrity. Financial contracts and social responsibilities and promises that are between them are written on other documents which will be re-evaluated from time to time according to the changes in ecomonic and other life circumstances. This they accept upon themselves completely with an act of acquisition as of today. And this document activates this, as all documents which are ketubahs and additional clauses which are customary among the sons and daughters of Israel. The groom and bride have also promised each other to strive throughout their lives together to achieve an openness which will enable them to share their thoughts, feelings, and experiences, to be sensitive at all times to each other’s needs, to attain mutual intellectual, emotional, physical and spiritual fulfillment, to work for the perpetuation of Judaism and of the Jewish people, in their home, in their family life and in their communal endeavors.


Renewal Hebrew Text |

Canadian Reform


Canadian Reform Text |


On the day of the week, the day of the month of , in the year , corresponding to the day of , , here in , the bride, , daughter of , and the groom, , son of , stood under the chuppah together and entered into the holy covenant of marriage. In honor of the anniversary of this sacred moment, they said to each other: years ago, as beloveds and friends we chose to walk life’s path together. Since that day we have renewed our original vow to be equal partners, loving friends, and supportive companions all through our life. We have affirmed our love by providing each other with the freedom to be ourselves, and the courage to follow our mutual and individual paths. We have shared our life by creating an intimacy that enables us to express our innermost thoughts and feelings; to be sensitive to each other’s needs; to celebrate life’s joys; to comfort each other through life’s sorrows; to challenge each other to achieve intellectual and physical fulfillment as well as spiritual and emotional tranquility. We have built a home together and filled it with laughter, [children,] empathy, faith, imagination, trust, friendship, companionship and love; a home in which holidays and heritage are celebrated in accordance with our [Jewish] culture and tradition. As we savor the fruits of our marriage and dream of the years to come, let us reaffirm our holy bonds with these blessings: May we treasure, nourish, support and respect each other with integrity as [Jewish] couples have timelessly devoted themselves to their lovers. May we live each day as the first, the last, the only day we will have with each other. May our love continue to deepen and grow. May our days be filled with peace, joy and the comfort of each other’s presence.

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